Game On…..It’s Mobile in-Game Audio Advertising


Much has been made of the huge growth in Podcast & Music Streaming listener numbers and quite rightly so [19.1 million* Britons listen to Podcasts, 39 million** are active monthly users of Music Streaming sites] but “in-game” audio advertising increases the scale of opportunity still further in the connected audio advertising universe.

There are 11.8 million ‘Mobile Gamers’ in the UK***

The Mobile Gaming audience is mainstream, from gaming Mums to Students.

A recent article in Games Forum Online, “Why Audio Ads are the Sound of Gaming’s Future” makes the point that video ads served in mobile games are having an adverse effect on user enjoyment, because they interrupt the gameplay, whereas audio ads do not.

This is another huge development in the audio advertising landscape and according to the IAB, [Internet Advertising Bureau] digital audio had the fastest year-on-year growth in 2022 – rising 57.9% to $4.9 billion.

You can only have a chance of winning at ‘the game,’ if you play in the first place. Talk to us at audioadpro today about incorporating the huge potential of in-game audio ads for Mobile Games today.


** Source: GOV.UK


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